项目简介:故事叙述是可视化研究的重要方向之一。以可视化作为讲故事的载体,可以为故事叙述增添动感、交互感、和视觉吸引力,并且可以融合智能算法以达到一定程度上的智能生成。在FDU-VIS,我们研究如何视觉地、可交互地、智能地基于数据生成故事叙述。在PacificVis 2021的可视化故事叙述大赛中,我们的作品HoagsOLife荣获一等奖。
Project Introduction: Storytelling is one of the most important field of visualization. Taking visualization as the carrier of storytelling can add dynamism, interactivity and visual attraction to storytelling, and can integrate intelligent algorithms to achieve auto generation to a certain extent. At FDU-VIS, we study how to visually, interactively and intelligently generate stories based on data. In PacificVis 2021 Visual Storytelling Competition, our work 'HoagsOLife' won the first prize.
  • Narrative Player: Reviving Data Narratives with Visuals.
    Zekai Shao, Leixian Shen, Haotian Li, Yi Shan, Huamin Qu, Yun Wang*, Siming Chen*.
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Accepted, 2025.
  • GeoCamera: Telling Stories in Geographic Visualizations with Camera Movements.
    Wenchao Li, Zhan Wang, Yun Wang*, Di Weng, Liwenhan Xie, Siming Chen*, Haidong Zhang, and Huamin Qu.
    ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI'23), Accepted, 2023.
    | Paper | pdf (22.5MB)
  • NetworkNarratives: Data Tours for Visual Network Exploration and Analysis.
    Wenchao Li, Sarah Schöttler, James Scott-Brown, Yun Wang, Siming Chen, Huamin Qu, and Benjamin Bach, Dongmei Zhang.
    ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI'23), Accepted, 2023.
    | Paper | pdf (14.0MB)
  • A Survey of Visualization in Data Journalism: Theory and Practice.
    Mengqin Cheng, Baohua Zhou, Siming Chen*.
    Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics (CAD&CG, ChinaVis'22), Accepted, in Chinese, 2023.
  • Investigating the Role and Interplay of Narrations and Animations in Data Videos.
    Hao Cheng, Junhong Wang, Yun Wang, Bongshin Lee, Haidong Zhang, Dongmei Zhang.
    Computer Graphics Forum, 41: 527-539.
    | Paper | pdf (2.2MB)
  • A Deeper Understanding of Visualization–Text Interplay in Geographic Data-driven Stories.
    Shahid Latif, Siming Chen, Fabian Beck.
    Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis'21), 40(3): 311-322, 2021.
    | Paper | pdf (1.2MB)
  • Supporting Story Synthesis: Bridging the Gap between Visual Analytics and Storytelling.
    Siming Chen, Jie Li, Gennady Andridenko, Natalia Andrienko, Yun Wang, Phong.H Nguyen, Cagatay Turkay.
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 26(7): 2499 - 2516, 2020.
    | Paper | pdf (10.1MB) | Video | mp4 (86.3MB) | Slides | pptx (50MB)