Project Introduction: FDUVIS explores visualization in digital humanities, which aims to develop computational methods in humanities research and tap into the new possibilities of humanities in the era of big data through interdisciplinary collaboration. Our researches focus on visual analysis of massive humanities data by breaking through the cognitive limitations of complex high-dimensional data through algorithms and visualization, in hope of turning big data in humanities into novel perspectives and actionable insights. Currently, we are developing an automatic generated visualization system for biographical data of historical figures.
  • OldVisOnline: Curating a Dataset of Historical Visualizations.
    Yu Zhang, Ruike Jiang, Liwenhan Xie, Yuheng Zhao, Can Liu, Tianhong Ding, Siming Chen*, Xiaoru Yuan*.
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (VIS'23), Accepted, 2024.
    | Code | The OldVis Project
  • Wakey-Wakey: Animate Text by Mimicking Characters in a GIF.
    Liwenhan Xie, Zhaoyu Zhou, Kerun Yu, Yun Wang, Huamin Qu, Siming Chen*.
    the 36th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST'23), Accepted, 2023.
  • Creating Emordle: Animating Word Cloud for Emotion Expression.
    Liwenhan Xie, Xinhuan Shu, Jeon Cheol Su, Yun Wang, Siming Chen*.
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), Accepted, 2023.
  • Intelligent Government Decision-Making: A Multidimensional Policy Text Visualization Analysis System.
    Chen Lan, Xuexi Wang, Junxia Ren, Xiaoxu Chen, Siming Chen*.
    Communications in Computer and Information Science (Big Data and Social Computing, BDSC), 135-151, 2023.
  • CohortVA: A Visual Analytic System for Progressive Exploration of Cohorts based on Historical Data.
    Wei Zhang, Jason Wong, Xumeng Wang, Youcheng Gong, Rongchen Zhu, Kai Liu, Zihan Yan, Siwei Tan, Huamin Qu, Siming Chen, Wei Chen.
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (VIS'22), Accepted, 2023.
    | Paper | pdf (8.8MB)
  • Visual Reasoning for Uncertainty in Spatio-temporal Events of Historical Figures.
    Wei Zhang, Siwei Tan, Siming Chen*, Linhao Meng, Tianye Zhang, Rongchen Zhu, Wei Chen*.
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), Accepted, 2022.
    | Paper | pdf (11.5MB)
  • SD2: Slicing and Dicing Scholarly Data for Interactive Evaluation of Academic Performance.
    Zhichun Guo, Jun Tao, Siming Chen, Nitesh V. Chawla, Chaoli Wang.
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), Accepted, 2022.
    | Paper | pdf (8.4MB)
  • What is policy content and how is the public's policy support? A policy cognition study based on natural language processing and social psychology.
    Lingyi Zhou, Dingzhang Dai, Junxia Ren, Xiaoxu Chen, Siming Chen*.
    Frontiers in Psychology, 13:1-16, 2022.
    | Paper | pdf (0.6MB)